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If you are planning to send a protected object overseas, contact us for advice first (before filling out this form).

Email: [email protected]

Protected objects are generally over 50 years old and with some association or significance to New Zealand. For exact criteria and more information read our Exporting protected objects page.

Exporting protected objects.

Once you have contacted us you can fill out the application form. This same form applies if you are exporting one or multiple objects which are travelling in the same consignment.

The object’s provenance or history is very important in assessing your application. The more information provided in this question, the easier it will be for experts to consider your application.

Where possible, include a photograph of the object. In the case of applications to export art works or taonga tūturu, you need to include colour photographs with your application.

This form is also available as a Word document:

Keyword: Permission to export protected object application
86.38 KB
Permission to export protected object application

Start your application