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Our commitment towards bilingual content

Our approach to reorua (bilingual) web content is guided by Te Ara Reo, our Māori Language plan. This plan outlines what we will do to achieve our goal of becoming a bilingual organisation by 2040.

As a Crown agency we are committed to supporting the revitalisation of te reo Māori outlined in the Crown Strategy for Language Revitalisation, Maihi Karauna.

We have a lead role in achieving the Aotearoatanga outcome: 85% of New Zealanders (or more) will value te reo Māori as a key part of our national identity.

Maihi Karauna (Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry for Māori Development)

We have already published a large collection of te reo Māori content online, including on three of our websites:

History resources

Our bilingual approach for this website is outlined below. It is a starting point in transitioning towards a fully reorua website.

Te reo Māori content and accessibility

We have translated the landing page headings and introductions of this website. These sections provide a bilingual summary of who we are and the work we do.

Order of languages

Where te reo Māori and English language content appears next to each other, the English is displayed first. While this is counter to general guidance on language revitalisation, it supports the accessibility of our content as screen readers don’t currently do a good job of reading out te reo Māori. Placing the English first lets users of screen readers go to the next item more quickly. It also helps people with language processing issues to process the English without distraction.

The current order of the two languages is an interim solution while there is no text-to-speech synthesiser that can speak te reo correctly, and while we work towards providing fully bilingual content.

Fully translated pages

Some of our pages are fully translated, and you can access this content by using the in-page language switcher. Each language has the same font-weight for equal readability.

Where bilingual content appears together, te reo Māori content appears slightly heavier. This visually differentiates the languages and allows you to quickly swap cognitive focus to your preferred language.

We will continue to investigate options for promoting accessible te reo Māori content as they become available.

Making te reo Māori accessible (Access Advisors)

Language conventions and translation

We use licensed translators for our reorua content. We follow Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori the Māori Language Commission’s best practice for spelling and writing te reo Māori.

Guidelines for Māori Language Orthography (Te Taura Whiri Māori Language Commission)

Kia māhorahora te reo.
Every day, by everyone, every way, everywhere.